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Bluntnose ShinerRio Grande Silvery MinnowJohnston's FrankeniaBexar County Cave Invertebrates
Ozark Plateau National Wildlife RefugeCactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owlHot Topics Archive

Bluntnose Shiner

Biological Opinion, released June 18, 2003.pdf

Rio Grande Silvery Minnow

News Release

Critical Habitat Rule
Biological Opinion
Biological Opinion Appendices A-C

(Caution - the following file is very large. For best results, right-mouse click and choose "Save Target As."
Save the file to your local drive and open after downloading is complete.)

Biological Opinion Appendix D
Biological Opinion Appendix E

Economic Analysis
Economic Analysis Summary
Environmental Impact Statement
Environmental Impact Statement Appendices

Johnston's Frankenia

News Release
Proposed Delisting

Bexar County Invertebrates

The eyeless Madla Cave meshweaver (a type of spider) is one of nine endangered invertebrates who has become adapted to an underground life in the caves underlying Bexar County.

Rhadine exilis is a small, eyeless ground beetle that lives with eight other endangered invertebrates in the caves and fractured bedrock below Bexar County. Their habitat is very susceptible to contamination. Some pollutants that sink into the ground move through the bedrock areas before entering the aquifer.

Proposed Critical Habitat
Final Critical Habitat

(Caution - this file is very large. For best results, right-mouse click and choose "Save Target As."
Save the file to your local drive and open after downloading is complete.)

Draft Economic Analysis
Final Economic Analysis
News Release Announcing Proposal.pdf

Ozark Plateau National Wildlife Refuge

Proposed Refuge Expansion Environmental Assessment
March 31 2003 Public Meeting

Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl

We suggest that you completely download the above documents to your hard disk (rightmouse - 'Save as') then view them with Acrobat Reader or your browser.

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Aplomado Falcon
Arkansas River Shiner
Holy Ghost Ipomosis
Mexican Gray Wolf
Mexican Spotted Owl
Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly

Southwestern willow flycatcher
Zapata Bladderpod

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